What is MechCloud?

MechCloud® is a general purpose AI enabled website builder which has been developed from scratch to meet the needs of modern websites created for different purposes (e.g. Edtech, Marketing, Intranet, Portals, Internal developer portal, content management system etc).

Unlike other website builders, MechCloud has support for custom assets (frames, layouts, components) and pages which can either be coded for complex requirements or designed using an AI enabled page designer making it the only website builder which offers this kind of flexibility.

Extending MechCloud using custom components

  • Custom components (frames, layouts, external pages, components) can be hosted by the customers on any offering (e.g. cloudflare pages, github pages, S3 etc) which supports hosting static assets. These are consumed at runtime by MechCloud which eliminates the risk of tempering of MechCloud code by the custom code. This is one of the biggest problems with WordPress plugins.

  • Custom components can be hosted in the private network too by the customers who don't want to expose these assets over public internet.

  • A website developer can develop custom assets in the local development environment and changes to all such assets will reflect in MechCloud in the real time.


  • It has superior multitenancy where you can pin a tenant (represents a direct customer or partner) to a zone ( a logical region to host the data for users from one or more countries ) having its dedicated infrastructure. This helps in meeting strict data residency requirements for the customers who want to have their data in a particular region (e.g. Europe) /country only.

  • Dedicated infrastructure for each zone to make sure that its infrastructure can be scaled independent of other zones.

  • Custom domains are supported both at tenant and (web)site levels. First one is useful for the companies having their dedicated tenant in MechCloud while the latter is meant for B2C customers to map their (web)sites, created through MechCloud website builder, to custom domains.

Superior Partner Support

  • Partners are onboarded using a dedicated tenant type which is meant for enabling functionalities which are required by the partners.

  • Partners can create/manage their own tenants which will have one to one mapping to their customers.

Cloud Computing

You can replace different types of softwares with MechCloud -

  • Replacement for SaaS boilerplates - Instead of starting you SaaS journey with a boilerplate, you can use MechCloud as a base for your SaaS application to enable multitenancy, SSO, data residency and other must have SaaS features for your SaaS application immediately without coding/integrating these functionalities from scratch. This also eliminates the need for handling the underlying infrastructure for your SaaS application.

  • Content Management Systems - You can replace a content management system (e.g. WordPress) with it as it offers much superior features at less than 1/10th of the price compared to other content management systems.

  • Web design tools - It can be used for faster prototyping, with prototypes being very close to the real website, unlike tools like Figma where you first design websites on canvas and then convert them to code either manually or using plugins. Demo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plH2TCsbHC0

  • Next.js / Astro etc based websites - Unlike SSR rendering framework (e.g. Next.js), MechCloud does not confuse developers between client side rendering and server side rendering. It is a all-in-one SaaS application based on a client side framework and can be used to generate static websites right from the browser. So with MechCloud, developers need to learn only one client side framework and need not to waste time in solving a number of issues which are introduced by SSR frameworks (e.g. next.js) based on client side frameworks. Demo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuxYxVYb74w

  • Portals - MechCloud is a portal technology at its heart, which in simple words means a web application which can be used to create websites and design their pages right from the browser. You can replace following tools with it -

    • IBM WebSphere Portal

    • Oracle WebLogic Portal

    • Microsoft SharePoint

    • Liferay

    • Alfresco

Most of the companies (startups / enterprises) already have a number of reusable artifacts (e.g. design system, css library, UI component libraries etc) which these companies would like to leverage for developing their websites/apps.

Disadvantage of the existing no/low code tool is that you can't load your reusable artifacts into these tools to develop the website in a way which developers prefer and are comfortable with. So, companies end up in a situation where developers and other people from a company are using two different approaches for developing the websites/apps.

MechCloud website builder is a low code tool which lets you load your existing reusable artifacts into it and develop websites with these reusable assets. This approach has following advantages -

  • It offers flexibility to switch between browser-based development and coding as and when required. E.g. you can create simple pages of a website/app from the browser and switch to coding for developing complex pages/features when it can't be achieved using browser-based approach.

  • This also eliminates those situations where you are looking for a critical feature in a low/no code tool which is either not on the roadmap or it is on the roadmap but will be available after a long time.

  • This allows developers and non-developers to collaborate around a tool to develop websites/apps which is not possible in case of other low/no code tools.

  • Reusable assets help developing websites faster which are aligned with your development best practices and branding of your company.

  • You don't end up building equivalent of these reusable assets across several low/no code platforms. Most of the low/no code platforms don't even support creating reusable assets.

  • You can upgrade your reusable code across all the websites from a central location using micro app architecture. This keeps your technical debt to a minimum as your code is aligned with the latest and greatest of html / css / javascript most of the time and you need not to invest a good amount of money into major refactoring or rewriting your websites/apps. This will save precious capital for your company which otherwise can be used for other critical things required to grow your business.

Last updated