Core Components

1. Frame

A frame is a component responsible for rendering common areas (e.g. header, footer etc) across all the pages of a site. This is (roughly) equivalent of a wordpress them. This also acts as the root component of a site.

1.1 Built-in Frames

The following frames are available out of the box and don't require hooking up any external components library into the Piston.

  • McFrame1

1.2 Sample Frames

You can find sample frames here. Have a look at the root-level readme file in this repo for instructions to configure these.

2. Layout

A layout is a component responsible for rendering a layout (e.g. two columns) which is common across a number of pages of a site.

2.1 Built-in Layouts

The following layouts are available out of the box and don't require hooking up any external components library into the Piston.

  • McLayoutTwoCols

2.2 Sample Layouts

You can find sample layouts here. Have a look at the root-level readme file in this repo for instructions to configure these.

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